Our Philosophy


Why food?

Food lies at the heart of good health.

Nurturing our relationship with food is the perfect platform to address a myriad of health concerns – including obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

If you consider three meals a day are eaten by over 20+ million Australians, you can appreciate the power of food is truly awesome. 

We love food. We love getting together to share a meal. We want to harness the beauty of good food and the beauty of community, to live healthier, happier lives.


Why innovate and disrupt?

At the Foundation we apply the principles of design-thinking to co-create new solutions with Australian thought-leaders and innovators across all disciplines.

For every project we consider:

Reach - We look to engage those beyond the public health echo chamber. We take evidence-based research and translate it to terms everyone can understand.

Coordination - We find collaborative opportunities with new voices and new partners, amplifying others' projects and building our own.

Impact - We agitate and advocate, working to bring system reform to legislation, business and community.